We wanted to take a moment to share a piece of our history with you all.

The story of our namesake, Yalda.

The winter solstice, as some of you may know, is the longest and darkest night of the year. In Iran, this night is known as "Shabe Yalda" - Night of Yalda. The tradition dates back to the Zoroastrians who lived in ancient Persia, and it translates indirectly to "renewal of the Sun."

Rather than dreading the long night, the Zoroastrians celebrated it as an acknowledgement that every night ahead would be a bit shorter and a bit brighter. A symbol that the worst is behind us, and only light can lie ahead. We celebrate and cherish the sun's rebirth every year. We see it as an opportunity to take the lessons we learned throughout the year, and become reborn into better versions of ourselves. - "To love someone is to attend a thousand births of the person they are becoming."

Traditional celebrations consist of friends and family gathering together and staying up past midnight - conversing, singing, sharing stories, reading poetry, and dancing. Traditionally, the room should only be lit with candles/fire (although few celebrate this way since the advent of electricity). It is customary to have dried fruits and nuts, as well as fresh seasonal fruits such as apples, pears, pomegranate, figs, and citrus. We celebrate by lighting all our favorite candles, preparing a homemade spread and sharing a drink with our loved ones.

Yalda is a time to reflect on all the hardships we have overcome throughout each year, a time to finally give ourselves the flowers we deserve for getting through the year - no matter what it took to do that, we all did it! It is also a time to look at all that is coming our way in the next year. Persians believe that the first sunrise after Shabe Yalda will break any darkness - literally and metaphorically - in our lives.

The day after the winter solstice is known as "Korram-Ruz", which translates to "joyful day", or "Navad-Ruz." Navad means 90, since there will be 90 days until the first day of spring, which is Persian New Year.

We hope those of you who are interested feel free to join us in this reflection.

We are always wishing you all a very happy Yalda. We are proud of you for all that you may have had to overcome, and we wish you nothing but joy and prosperity.

By naming our clinic "Yalda," we embrace these timeless qualities, striving to provide a healing environment where every patient can experience renewal and rejuvenation.

Our values are inspired by this tradition:

  • Passion for Health: Like the enduring light, we are committed to passionately pursuing the highest standards of care and treatment for our patients.
  • Transformative Care: Inspired by Yalda’s transformative nature, we focus on innovative treatments that lead to significant and positive changes in our patients' health.
  • Warmth and Compassion: Yalda’s warmth symbolizes the compassionate and personalized care we offer, ensuring every patient feels supported and valued.

At Yalda Dental, we embody the spirit of transformation and vitality symbolized by this tradition, aiming to deliver healthcare that ignites a brighter, healthier future for all our patients.

Yalda Dental