What is family dentistry?

Family dentistry basically covers a variety of dental procedures and it doesn't specifically belong to any generation. It can be as simple as a filling, your hygiene visits, or any sort of a filling, restorative procedures that you would need to some more advanced procedures like implant placement or Invisalign, anything that falls within the dental care and your oral hygiene. That's what a family dentistry would cover.

What are the benefits of family dentistry?

The benefit of family dentistry is that you don't have to go to multiple locations to get your dental needs done. You can come to our office, you can get whatever procedure that you would need, whatever hygiene, anything that you would need would fall into our practice. It's all under one roof and you wouldn't always see new faces for your different dental procedures.

Do all dentists offer family dentistry?

Not all dentists provide family dentistry. It needs a facility with multiple equipment, very modern advanced equipment to be able to accommodate all the needs that a family dentistry would need.

What services fall under family dental care?

Family dental care basically covers from very simple procedures like hygiene, your cleanings, your fluoride, your sealant treatments to more involved procedures like fillings and then crowns, bridges and implants. We also have Dr. Sohaili as a specialist in the office who covers all those advanced and complicated procedures.

How can I find a good dentist for my family in Bucks County?

If you are near us, when you search for a family dentistry on Google, our names can pop up or you can specifically just search for Yalda Dental and you can reach out to our website to schedule an appointment and fill out a form or you can give us a call directly and talk to our front desk to schedule your appointment. You can call us at (215) 240-4088 at Yalda Dental.