Case 9
Case 9
This incredible patient arrived with severe gum disease and significant bone loss. Through a full mouth rehabilitation treatment, we replaced the hopeless teeth with implants and addressed the bone loss. By incorporating both tooth and implant-supported crowns and bridges, we were able to achieve a full restoration of her oral health and she was delighted by the results.
Case 10
A full mouth rehabilitation treatment performed by Dr. Soheili. Full mouth reconstruction treatment is a process where we place implants and use them to support tooth crowns in order to restore the health, function, and aesthetics of teeth. This patient arrived in the office with severe gum disease and tooth loss. The full mouth reconstruction treatment was done and the missing teeth were replaced with dental implants. The patient was so grateful to have her oral health and smile restored, and we were so delighted to have helped her.
Case 11
Case 11
This gem of a patient faced challenges with loose dentures and severely damaged teeth, rendering them beyond repair. We undertook a comprehensive full mouth reconstruction treatment plan involving bone and tissue grafts, as well as upper and lower implants to support single piece bridges. At the impressive age of 91, this remarkable patient showed us that it's never too late to reclaim your smile and oral health.
Case 12
A smile makeover performed by Dr. Soheili for a patient who needed a correction of tooth size discrepancy and alignment. Treatment was done with porcelain laminate veneers and led to a tremendous outcome which gave this patient a beautiful new smile.
Case 13
Case 13
In this intricate case, a patient presented with severe tooth wear due to chronic grinding, worsened by acid erosion. We successfully restored both their oral health and aesthetics through a comprehensive full mouth rehabilitation. This involved meticulous bone and tissue grafting, culminating in the placement of implants for hopeless teeth, and crowns for both implants and remaining natural teeth. The treatment included 25 crowns and three implants, resulting in the restoration of all 28 teeth. We take great pride in achieving this remarkable transformation for our extraordinary patient.
Case 14
This wonderful patient arrived at the office with ill fitting crowns on decaying teeth. Dr. Soheili was able to perform a full mouth reconstruction treatment by first placing both bone and tissue grafts and finishing with implant supported porcelain crowns. The patient could not believe the results and was so happy to have her smile restored.
Case 15
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Contact us now to schedule your appointment and have the smile you've dreamed about!